Retirement Savings

Join your retirement program today to start investing in your future. 

All full-time and part-time employees are eligible to participate in the Gordon Food Service Canada Group Retirement Program after 90 days of service. You can contribute up to 18 percent of your earnings, as well as receive a matching contribution from the company on a portion of the money you invest through the plan.  The plan is managed by Manulife and offers a choice of flexible investment options.

To enroll in the Gordon Food Service Canada Group Retirement Program and access guides that provide more details on the program, please visit this Grove page.

Things to Think About

  • Making regular contributions directly from your pay, before money ever reaches your bank account, makes it easier to commit to saving consistently.
  • Regular payroll contributions to registered plans are taken from your gross pay before payroll taxes are calculated. You only pay income tax on the remaining portion of your salary.
  • The growth you realize in registered plans occurs in a tax-sheltered environment until you withdraw funds from the plan.
  • New employees become eligible to begin contributions to the retirement program after 90 days of service.

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