Life Changes

You can modify your dependents and benefits annually during open enrollment or if you have an eligible life event.

Changing Your Choices as a Result of an Eligible Life Event

During the year, you may enroll and/or change your options if one of the following events occurs:

• Marriage or the 12-month anniversary of a common-law relationship
• Divorce, separation, or end of a common-law relationship
• Birth or adoption of a child
• Loss of a child’s status as a dependent (marriage, age limit, leaves school, etc.)
• Recent division transfer/return to work
• Your spouse gains or loses benefits coverage
• Death of a spouse or child.

You have 30 days after a life event to change your profile in Workday and update your choices.

Not sure how to make these changes in Workday?

View the Benefits Workday Training Hub to learn more about changing your elections through the Workday platform.

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